Festiwal Sztuka i Dokumentacja | Art & Documentation Festival
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A two day show of a dozen of the most important works of Artur Żmijewski at Świetlica Krytyki Politycznej in Łódź will accompany the premiere of the book: Żmijewski. Przewodnik Krytyki Politycznej (Żmijewski. Krytyka Polityczna_s guide) - an illustrated guide presenting the art of probably the most important Polish representative of crtical art practice. We will show both older works such as Lekcja śpiewu (Singing Lesson) or a film Berek (Game of Tag) that was removed from the exhibition Obok (Side by Side), as well as newer movies: Powtórzenie (Repetition) and Wybrane prace (Selected Works).

Artur Żmijewski, (born in 1966) - is a visual artist, who between 1990 and 1995 studied at the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where he received his diploma under the tuition of professor Grzegorz Kowalski. In 2005 Żmijewski represented Poland at the 51st Art Biennale in Venice, with his movie: Repetition. He is currently Art Director for Krytyka Polityczna, magazine. In 2007, he published a collection of interviews with various artists entitled Drżące ciała (Shivering Bodies). He is the author of a manifesto entitled Stosowane sztuki społeczne (Applied Social Arts), which is one of the mostly discussed texts about contemporary art. Among others he created Wybrane prace (Selected Works), 2006-2007, Demokracje (Democracies) , 2009, Katastrofa (Catastrophy) 2011. In 2012 he will be a curator of the Berlin Biennale.

miejsca festiwalu
festival veues

Galeria Wschodnia

Muzeum Sztuki

Galeria Wymiany


Muzeum Kinematografii

Łódzki Dom Kultury

Galeria Imaginarium

Osrodek Działań Artystycznych


Czeskie Centrum

Węgierski Instytut Kultury

patroni medialni
media patronage

TVP Kultura

TVP Łódź


Krytyka Polityczna

Gazeta Studencka

Radio Żak

Living Gallery

Plaster Łódzki




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